Quantum quench dynamics of the Luttinger model
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Iucci, Carlos Aníbal
Cazalilla, Miguel A.
The dynamics of the Luttinger model after a quantum quench is studied. We compute in detail one- and two-point correlation functions for two types of quenches: from a noninteracting to an interacting Luttinger model and vice versa. In the former case, the noninteracting Fermi gas features in the momentum distribution and other correlation functions are destroyed as time evolves. In the infinite-time limit, equal-time correlations are power laws but the critical exponents are found to differ from their equilibrium values. In all cases, we find that these correlations are well described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble [M. Rigol, V. Dunjko, V. Yurovsky, and M. Olshanii, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 050405 (2007)], which assigns a momentum-dependent temperature to each eigenmode. Instituto de Física La Plata