Review of biosensing with whispering-gallery mode lasers
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Toropov, Nikita A.
Cabello, Gema
Serrano, Mariana Paula
Gutha, Rithvik R.
Rafti, Matías
Vollmer, Frank
Lasers are the pillars of modern optics and sensing. Microlasers based on whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) are miniature in size and have excellent lasing characteristics suitable for biosensing. WGM lasers have been used for label-free detection of single virus particles, detection of molecular electrostatic changes at biointerfaces, and barcode-type live-cell tagging and tracking. The most recent advances in biosensing with WGM microlasers are described in this review. We cover the basic concepts of WGM resonators, the integration of gain media into various active WGM sensors and devices, and the cutting-edge advances in photonic devices for micro- and nanoprobing of biological samples that can be integrated with WGM lasers. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas