Intermediate-thrust arcs and their optimality in a central, time-invariant force field
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Archenti, Aníbal R.
Vinh, Nguyen X.
This paper presents the general equations of the intermediate-thrust arcs in a general, time-invariant, central force field. Two families of planar arcs, namely, the family of Lawden's spirals in the equatorial plane of an oblate planet and the family of intermediate-thrust arcs in a gravitational field of the form μ/r<sup>n</sup>, have been considered in detail. The Kelley-Contensou condition has been used to test their optimality condition. It is shown that, in the first case, there exist portions of the arcs at a finite distance satisfying the condition, while, in the second case, the entire family satisfies the condition for n ≥ 3. Hence, in a perturbed Newtonian gravitational force field, the intermediate-thrust arcs, under certain favorable conditions, can be part of an optimal trajectory. Facultad de Ingeniería