Relación entre la germinación del polen "in vitro", reacción fluorocromática y tinción con azul de algodón en lactofenol, en dos especies de Solanum seco Cyphomandropsis
Relation between pollen germination "in vitro", flzorochromatic reaction and dye with cotton blue in lactofenol in two Solanum seco Cyphomandropsis species
Passarelli, Lilian Mónica
The relation between pollen germination "in-vitro", fluorochromatic reaction and dye with cotton blue in lactofenol test as indicator of pollen viability in two Solanum sec. Cyphomandropsis species (Solanum glaucophyllum Desf. and Solanum stuckertii Bitter) is studied. The statistic analysis proves cotton blue in lactofenol test datam are of scarce value. The fluorochromatic reaction and the germination "in-vitro" test don't show significatives differences; the results are similar in the flowers of the first and second day of anthesis in Solanum glaucophylum and in flowers of the second day of Solanum stuckertii. Meanwhile the pollen from the first day of anthesis flowers of Solanum stuckertii dye an 87% in fluorachromatic reaction, only the 25% of them can germinate "in vitro". This study demonstrates that the fluorochromatic reaction manifests the presence of pollen grains with alive cytoplasm, but by germination "in-vitro" test the exact percentage of germination is obtained. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo