Possible Association of Two Stellar Bowshocks with Unidentified <i>Fermi</i> Sources
Sánchez Ayaso, Estrella
Del Valle, María V.
Martí, Josep
Romero, Gustavo Esteban
Luque Escamilla, Pedro L.
The bowshocks of runaway stars had been theoretically proposed as gamma-ray sources. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed by observations to date. In this paper, we present two runaway stars (λ Cep and LS 2355) whose bowshocks are coincident with the unidentified <i>Fermi</i> gamma-ray sources 3FLG J2210.1+5925 and 3FGL J1128.7-6232, respectively. After performing a cross-correlation between different catalogs at distinct wavelengths, we found that these bowshocks are the most peculiar objects in the <i>Fermi</i> position ellipses. Then we computed the inverse Compton emission and fitted the <i>Fermi</i> data in order to test the viability of both runaway stars as potential counterparts of the two high-energy sources. We obtained very reasonable values for the fitted parameters of both stars. We also evaluated the possibility for the source 3FGL J1128.7-6232, which is positionally coincident with a H II region, to be the result of background cosmic-ray protons interacting with the matter of the cloud, as well as the probability of a pure chance association. We conclude that the gamma rays from these <i>Fermi</i> sources might be produced in the bowshocks of the considered runaway stars. In such a case, these would be the first sources of this class ever detected at gamma rays. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas