The Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the Andes of Argentina
Riccardi, Alberto Carlos
Damborenea, Susana Ester
Manceñido, Miguel Oscar
Iglesia Llanos, María Paula
The Arroyo Malo Formation at Alumbre Creek, on the northern bank of the Atuel River, west central Argentina, comprises a c. 300 m thick continuous marine succession across the Triassic-Jurassic System boundary, consisting of massive and laminated pelites indicative of a slope depositional environment. Late Triassic invertebrates, including ammonoids, nautiloids, bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods and corals are restricted to the lower 150 m. Beds between 125-135 m from the bottom yield <em>Choristoceras</em> cf<em>. marshi</em> Hauer, a species found in the Marshi/Crickmayi Zone of Europe and North America, together with loose fragments of <em>Psiloceras</em> cf. <em>pressum</em> Hillebrandt, coeval with the lower to middle part of the Hettangian Planorbis Zone. About 80 m higher are beds yielding <em>Psiloceras</em> cf. <em>rectocostatum</em> Hillebrandt, a species that gives name to an Andean biozone partially coeval with the Johnstoni and Plicatulum Subzones, upper Planorbis Zone. Other fossils recorded in the Rhaetian strata of this section are foraminifers, ostracods and plant remains identified as <em>Zuberia</em> cf. <em>zuberi</em> (Szaj.) Freng. and <em>Clathropteris</em> sp. The section was also sampled for conodonts and radiolarians, thus far with negative results. A palaeomagnetic study is underway. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo