Observed crustal uplift near the Southern Patagonian Icefield constrains improved viscoelastic Earth model
Lange, H.
Casassa, G.
Ivins, E. R.
Schröder, L.
Fritsche, M.
Richter, Andreas Jorg
Groh, A.
Dietrich, R.
Thirty‒one GPS geodetic measurements of crustal uplift in southernmost South America determined extraordinarily high trend rates (> 35 mm/yr) in the north‒central part of the Southern Patagonian Icefield. These trends have a coherent pattern, motivating a refined viscoelastic glacial isostatic adjustment model to explain the observations. Two end‒member models provide good fits: both require a lithospheric thickness of 36.5 ± 5.3 km. However, one end‒member has a mantle viscosity near η =1.6 ×10<sup>18</sup> Pa s and an ice collapse rate from the Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum comparable to a lowest recent estimate of 1995–2012 ice loss at about −11 Gt/yr. In contrast, the other end‒member has much larger viscosity: η = 8.0 ×10<sup>18</sup> Pa s, half the post–LIA collapse rate, and a steadily rising loss rate in the twentieth century after AD 1943, reaching −25.9 Gt/yr during 1995–2012. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas