Scaling and width distributions of parity-conserving interfaces
Arlego, Marcelo José Fabián
Grynberg, Marcelo Daniel
We present an alternative finite-size approach to a set of parity-conserving interfaces involving attachment, dissociation, and detachment of extended objects in 1+1 dimensions. With the aid of a nonlocal construct introduced by Barma and Dhar in related systems [Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2135 (1994)], we circumvent the subdiffusive dynamics and examine close-to-equilibrium aspects of these interfaces by assembling states of much smaller, numerically accessible scales. As a result, roughening exponents, height correlations, and width distributions exhibiting universal scaling functions are evaluated for interfaces virtually grown out of dimers and trimers on large-scale substrates. Dynamic exponents are also studied by finite-size scaling of the spectrum gaps of evolution operators. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Departamento de Física