dc.contributorBernal-Orozco, M.F., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Licenciatura en Nutrición, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 7, edificio P, 3er piso, CP 44348 Guadalajara, Mexico, Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Pública, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 1, edificio N, 1er piso, CP 44348, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Vizmanos-Lamotte, B., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Licenciatura en Nutrición, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 7, edificio P, 3er piso, CP 44348 Guadalajara, Mexico, Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Pública, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 1, edificio N, 1er piso, CP 44348, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Rodríguez-Rocha, N.P., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Licenciatura en Nutrición, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 7, edificio P, 3er piso, CP 44348 Guadalajara, Mexico; Macedo-Ojeda, G., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Licenciatura en Nutrición, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 7, edificio P, 3er piso, CP 44348 Guadalajara, Mexico, Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Pública, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 1, edificio N, 1er piso, CP 44348, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Orozco-Valerio, M., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Pública, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 1, edificio N, 1er piso, CP 44348, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Rovill-Sausse, F., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, HNS, CP135, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France; León-Estrada, S., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Licenciatura en Nutrición, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 7, edificio P, 3er piso, CP 44348 Guadalajara, Mexico; Márquez-Sandoval, F., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Licenciatura en Nutrición, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 7, edificio P, 3er piso, CP 44348 Guadalajara, Mexico, Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Pública, CUCS, UDG, Sierra Mojada 950, puerta 1, edificio N, 1er piso, CP 44348, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Fernández-Ballart, J.D., Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Cuerpo Académico (CA) 454, Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), CP 44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Medicina Preventiva i Salut Pública and IISPV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Sant Lloren 21, CP 43201, Reus, Tarragona, Spain, CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CB06/03), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
dc.creatorBernal-Orozco, M.F.
dc.creatorVizmanos-Lamotte, B.
dc.creatorRodriguez-Rocha, N.P.
dc.creatorMacedo-Ojeda, G.
dc.creatorOrozco-Valerio, M.
dc.creatorRoville-Sausse, F.
dc.creatorLeon-Estrada, S.
dc.creatorMarquez-Sandoval, F.
dc.creatorFernandez-Ballart, J.D.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the present study was to validate a food photograph album (FPA) as a tool to visually estimate food amounts, and to compare this estimation with that attained through the use of measuring cups (MC) and food models (FM). We tested 163 foods over fifteen sessions (thirty subjects/session; 10-12 foods presented in two portion sizes, 20-24 plates/session). In each session, subjects estimated food amounts with the assistance of FPA, MC and FM. We compared (by portion and method) the mean estimated weight and the mean real weight. We also compared the percentage error estimation for each portion, and the mean food percentage error estimation between methods. In addition, we determined the percentage error estimation of each method. We included 463 adolescents from three public high schools (mean age 17 1 (sd 1 2) years, 61 8 % females). All foods were assessed using FPA, 53 4 % of foods were assessed using MC, and FM was used for 18 4 % of foods. The mean estimated weight with all methods was statistically different compared with the mean real weight for almost all foods. However, a lower percentage error estimation was observed using FPA (2 3 v. 56 9 % for MC and 325 % for FM, P< 0.001). Also, when analysing error rate ranges between methods, there were more observations (P< 0.001) with estimation errors higher than 40 % with the MC (56 1 %), than with the FPA (27 5 %) and FM (44 9 %). In conclusion, although differences between estimated and real weight were statistically significant for almost all foods, comparisons between methods showed FPA to be the most accurate tool for estimating food amounts. Copyright " The Authors 2012.",,,,,,"10.1017/S0007114512002127",,,,"http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84874745764&partnerID=40&md5=ff231c66702c5dc10c843a9a9547327d
dc.description.abstracthttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45627",,,,,,"5",,"British Journal of Nutrition",,"944
dc.description.abstractWOS",,,,"Index Medicus;Adolescent;Audiovisual Aids;Diet Surveys;Energy Intake;Female;Food;Humans;Male;Mexico;Photography;Size Perception",,"Dietetic assessment; Food photographs; Visual perception",,,,"Validation of a Mexican food photograph album as a tool to visually estimate food amounts in adolescents",,,,"Article", "47414","123456789/35008",,"Moreno-Jiménez, B., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, Dpto. Psicología Biológica y Salud, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049. Madrid, Spain; Meda-Lara, R.M., Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico; Morante-Benadero, M.E., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; Rodríguez-Muñoz, A., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; Palomera-Chávez, A., Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico",,"Moreno-Jimenez, B.
dc.description.abstractMeda-Lara, R.M.
dc.description.abstractMorante-Benadero, M.E.
dc.description.abstractRodriguez-Munoz, A.
dc.description.abstractPalomera-Chavez, A.",,"2006",,"The aim of the current study was to test the factorial validity of the Burnout of Psychologist Inventory (IBP) in a sample of Mexican professionals. The sample consisted of 454 Mexican psychologists. For this, a factor analysis using principal components and Oblimin rotation and a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. The internal consistency of the scales evaluated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed high reliability, over the 0,70 minimum established. Together, the three dimensions of the IBP were able to explain 46,95% of the variance. The results obtained reveal that the model that best meets empirical data was the one with items 2, 14 and 17 removed, which provided a superior fit than the original one. The CFI (comparative fit index) and AGFI (adjusted goodness of fit index) fit indices showed values of 0,92 and 0,89, respectively, an RMSEA (root mean square error of approximation) has a value of 0,053. The present study showed that IBP seems to be a valid and a reliable measure for burnout in psychologist.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45635","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33751521025&partnerID=40&md5=23f471bf0f6d95d9743038d3405f3a97",,,,,,"3",,"Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia",,"445
dc.description.abstractScIELO",,,,"Psychology, Multidisciplinary",,"Assessment; Burnout; Factorial validity; IBP; Psychologist",,"Psicología social / burnout; evaluación; IBP; validez factorial; psicólogos",,,,"Validez factorial del inventario de burnout de psicólogos en una muestra de psicólogos Mexicanos",,"Article" "47408","123456789/35008","Macedo-Ojeda, G., Ciencias de la Salud Pública, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS), Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG), Mexico, Cuerpo Académico Alimentación y Nutrición en el Proceso Salud-Enfermedad, Nutrición, LEEN, Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil. CUCS. UdG, Mexico; Vizmanos-Lamotte, B., Ciencias de la Salud Pública, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS), Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG), Mexico, Cuerpo Académico Alimentación y Nutrición en el Proceso Salud-Enfermedad, Nutrición, LEEN, Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil. CUCS. UdG, Mexico; Márquez-Sandoval, Y.F., Ciencias de la Salud Pública, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS), Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG), Mexico, Cuerpo Académico Alimentación y Nutrición en el Proceso Salud-Enfermedad, Nutrición, LEEN, Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil. CUCS. UdG, Mexico; Rodríguez-Rocha, N.P., Cuerpo Académico Alimentación y Nutrición en el Proceso Salud-Enfermedad, Nutrición, LEEN, Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil. CUCS. UdG, Mexico; López-Uriarte, P.J., Ciencias de la Salud Pública, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS), Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG), Mexico, Cuerpo Académico Alimentación y Nutrición en el Proceso Salud-Enfermedad, Nutrición, LEEN, Departamento de Reproducción Humana, Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil. CUCS. UdG, Mexico; Fernández-Ballart, J.D., Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. IISPV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CB06/03) Instituto Carlos III, Spain",,"Macedo-Ojeda, G.
dc.description.abstractVizmanos-Lamotte, B.
dc.description.abstractMarquez-Sandoval, Y.F.
dc.description.abstractRodriguez-Rocha, N.P.
dc.description.abstractLopez-Uriarte, P.J.
dc.description.abstractFernandez-Ballart, J.D.",,"2013",,"Introduction: Semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQs) analyze average food and nutrient intake over extended periods to associate habitual dietary intake with health problems and chronic diseases. A tool of this nature applicable to both women and men is not presently available in Mexico. Objective: To validate a FFQ for adult men and women. Methods: The study was conducted on 97 participants, 61% were women. Two FFQs were administered (with a one-year interval) to measure reproducibility. To assess validity, the second FFQ was compared against dietary record (DR) covering nine days. Statistical analyses included Pearson correlations and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC). The de-attenuation of the ICC resulting from intraindividual variability was controlled. The validity analysis was complemented by comparing the classification ability of FFQ to that of DR through concordance between intake categories and Bland-Altman plots. Results: Reproducibility: ICC values for food groups ranged 0.42-0.87; the range for energy and nutrients was between 0.34 and 0.82. Validity: ICC values for food groups ranged 0.35-0.84; the range for energy and nutrients was between 0.36 and 0.77. Most subjects (56.7- 76.3%) classified in the same or adjacent quintile for energy and nutrients using both methods. Extreme misclassification was <6.3% for all items. Bland-Altman plots reveal high concordance between FFQ and DR. Conclusions: FFQ produced sufficient levels of reproducibility and validity to determine average daily intake over one year. These results will enable the analysis of possible associations with chronic diseases and dietary diagnoses in adult populations of men and women.",,,,,,"10.3305/nh.2013.28.6.6887",,,,"http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84891678881&partnerID=40&md5=4f726abe08cb0643d4fef9d6383bda47
dc.description.abstracthttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45629",,,,,,"6",,"Nutricion Hospitalaria",,"2212
dc.description.abstract2220",,"28",,"Scopus",,,,,,"Diet; Energy intake; Nutrients; Questionnaire; Validation",,,,"Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to assess food groups and nutrient intake [Validación de un cuestionario semi-cuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos para determinar la ingestión de grupos de alimentos y nutrientes]",,,,"Article", "47435","123456789/35008",,"Domínguez, M.G., Doctorado en Genética Humana, CIBO-IMSS and CUCS-U de G, Guadalajara Jal, Mexico; Barros-Núñez, P., Doctorado en Genética Humana, CIBO-IMSS and CUCS-U de G, Guadalajara Jal, Mexico; González-Ramos, I.A., Doctorado en Genética Humana, CIBO-IMSS and CUCS-U de G, Guadalajara Jal, Mexico; Rivera, H., Doctorado en Genética Humana, CIBO-IMSS and CUCS-U de G, Guadalajara Jal, Mexico",,"Dominguez, M.G.
dc.description.abstractBarros-Nunez, P.
dc.description.abstractGonzalez-Ramos, I.A.
dc.description.abstractRivera, H.",,"2010",,"A 13-month-old boy with normal development and growth failure of prenatal onset but no other physical stigmata had a 46,XY,r(4)pl6.3q35).ish (4psubtel-,WHS1+,4qsubtel+,pantel-) de novo karyotype. The analysis of 50-106 metaphases from each of four lymphocyte cultures (three of 72 h including one without colchicine and one of 96 h) revealed a dynamic mosaicism in 22-36% of cells. We did not observe a normal cell line. Hypoploidies (excluding ring losses) were observed in 2-7% of metaphases from colchicine-arrested cultures whereas tetraploidies were observed in 2-12% of metaphases from all four lymphocyte cultures. Further FISH studies were carried out on interphase nuclei from uncultured buccal cells and lymphocytes using two alphoid (CEP 1 and 9), a dual CEP X/SRY, and (in the former only) a subtel 4p probes. We scored 70-131 nuclei per assay and found apparent heteroploidies in ?1-47% of cells for CEP 1, CEP 9, subtel 4p, and SRY but not for CEP X. The patient's phenotype was typical of the ring syndrome and comparable to 9/37 previous r(4) cases. Moreover, all 38 patients were alive at the time of reporting and none has developed cancer. The 2-7% rate of hypodiploid cells in colchicine-arrested cultures and the ?1-47% rate of apparent heteroploidies in nuclei of uncultured cells evoke the in vitro and in vivo findings in patients with mosaic variegated aneuploidy (MVA). We conclude that our observation highlights the clinical and cytogenetical overlapping between the ring syndrome and the MVA syndrome; the crucial difference is the high risk of cancer related to BUB 1B mutations in the latter.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45656","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78650735556&partnerID=40&md5=792f375345a70d1b0a96554f5ca62d77",,,,,,"4",,"Genetic Counseling",,"411
dc.description.abstractWOS",,,,,,"Chromosome 4; Mosaic variegated aneuploidy; Ring chromosome; Ring syndrome",,,,,,"Variegated-like mosaicism and ring syndrome in A r(4) boy. Appraisal of 38 patients with a fairly complete ring 4",,"Article" "47472","123456789/35008",,,,"Acosta Silva, Adrián",,"2008",,,,,,,,,,"0041-8935","http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45693",";",,"Español",,,,"36",,"Universidades",,"69
dc.description.abstractPERIODICA",,,,,,,,"Historia y filosofía de la educación",,,"La autonomía universitaria en América Latina","La autonomía universitaria en América Latina: Problemas, desafíos y temas capitales",,"journalArticle" "47422","123456789/35008",,"Torres-Moran, M.I., Departamento de Produccion Agricola, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Carr. Guadalajara-Nogales, CP 45110. Las Agujas, Nextipac, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Velasco-Ramirez, A.P., Departamento de Produccion Agricola, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Carr. Guadalajara-Nogales, CP 45110. Las Agujas, Nextipac, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Hurtado-de la Pena, S.A., Departamento de Produccion Agricola, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Carr. Guadalajara-Nogales, CP 45110. Las Agujas, Nextipac, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Rodriguez-García, A., Departamento de Produccion Agricola, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Carr. Guadalajara-Nogales, CP 45110. Las Agujas, Nextipac, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Mena-Munguia, S., Departamento de Produccion Agricola, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Carr. Guadalajara-Nogales, CP 45110. Las Agujas, Nextipac, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico",,"Torres-Moran, M.I.
dc.description.abstractVelasco-Ramirez, A.P.
dc.description.abstractHurtado-de la Pena, S.A.
dc.description.abstractRodriguez-García, A.
dc.description.abstractMena-Munguia, S.",,"2013",,"Crops of the tequila plant (Agave tequilana) are produced mainly from offshoots of mother plants in established commercial fields. This propagation method is significant, as it is believed that it facilitates the spread of disease because of the crop's low genetic variability and is also necessary because it is regulate the use of just that variety in tequila industry. Different levels of genetic variability have been reported for A. tequilana and so we tested individuals from representative cultivation zones to determine the actual variability in fields and to assess the genetic structure of populations in commercial plantations. Four additional Agave spp. were used as a control group while Fourcrea spp. individuals were used as an external group. Morphological traits and molecular markers were analyzed. The differences between A. tequilana individuals collected from southern Jalisco state and those collected in the principal Denomination of Origin zone confirmed the existence of different genotypes, which were conserved in different regions by asexual propagation. Leaf length, plant height and number of leaves were the most significant variables that explained the variability within the A. tequilana group. At the molecular level, we found genetic differentiation with a minimum similarity of 0.253 (Jaccard's coefficient) and genetic structure analysis indicated five groups with significant genotypic differences. Genetic structure analysis, grouped accessions according to the dispersion of plant material from the initial sites of cultivation. These results might facilitate the correlation of different groups with crop yield or tequila quality and the establishment of elite lines for breeding programs. It is recommendable in a future, to determinate the different levels of inulines produced by each detected group. " 2013 Science Publication.
dc.relationAmerican Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science

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