dc.contributorMagaña, M.T., División de Genética, Ctro. Invest. Biomedica de Occidente, CMNO, IMSS, Sierra Mojada N., Mexico, Doctorado en Genética Humana, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México, Mexico; Perea, F.J., División de Genética, Ctro. Invest. Biomedica de Occidente, CMNO, IMSS, Sierra Mojada N., Mexico, Doctorado en Genética Humana, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México, Mexico; Ongay, Z., División de Genética, Ctro. Invest. Biomedica de Occidente, CMNO, IMSS, Sierra Mojada N., Mexico; Ibarra, B., División de Genética, Ctro. Invest. Biomedica de Occidente, CMNO, IMSS, Sierra Mojada N., Mexico, Doctorado en Genética Humana, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México, Mexico, División de Genética, CIBO, IMSS, CMNO, Sierra Mojada N., Mexico
dc.creatorMagana, M.T.
dc.creatorPerea, F.J.
dc.creatorOngay, Z.
dc.creatorIbarra, B.
dc.description.abstractThe β-globin gene cluster has shown high polymorphic diversity organized in 5′ and 3′ haplotypes (Hps). β S- Chromosomes are in linkage disequilibrium with the 5′ Hps Bantu, Benin, Senegal, Cameroon, and Arab-Indian. In Mexican mestizos with African west coast origins, we observed the following 5′ Hps in β S- chromosomes: Bantu, 78.8%; Benin, 18.2%; and atypical Hp 9, 3.0%. With the purpose of establishing the 3′ Hps, we analyzed 35 polymorphic sites-6 by RFLP analysis and 29 by DNA sequencing-in 33 unrelated β S- chromosomes. The polymorphic sites were structured according to Harding et al. [R.M. Harding, S.M. Fullerton, R.C. Griffiths, J.B. Clegg, Archaic African and Asian lineages in the genetic ancestry of modern humans, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 60 (1997) 772-789] and Lapouméroulie et al. [C. Lapouméroulie, O. Dunda, R. Ducrocq, G. Trabuchet, M. Mony-Lobé, J.M. Bodo, P. Carnevale, D. Labie, J. Elion, R. Krishnamoorthy, A novel sickle cell mutation of yet another origin in Africa: the Cameroon type, Hum. Genet. 89 (1992) 333-337]. All Bantu β S-chromosomes showed the 12A1 3′ Hp with (AT) 6T 9 repeats (84.9%), a novel 3′ Hp. The Benin Hp was 2B2, with (AT) 8T 4 (12.1%), and the atypical Hp 9 4B1, (AT) 8T 5 (3.0%). Because of the high linkage disequilibrium observed for the Bantu and 12A1 Hps, we expect that, if there is a single origin of the Bantu β S mutation, all must show the 12A1 polymorphic DNA sequence in the 3′ Hp. A correlation between the 5′ and 3′ Hps could be observed with the other β S mutations. The atypical Hp 9 was also atypical at the 3′ Hp, with the same repeats as observed with the Cameroon β S mutation; however, it differed in one position from the typical Lapouméroulie Cameroon Hp, indicating that these β S-chromosomes arose by different genetic mechanisms or by a novel β S mutation. We stress the importance of the study of DNA polymorphisms at 3′ Hp to allow understanding of the genetic diversity of β S-chromosomes, as well as their implications in β S gene expression and the possible effects on the clinical phenotype. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
dc.relationBlood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
dc.title3′ haplotypes of the β-globin gene in β s- chromosomes of Mexican individuals

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