Monografia (especialização)
O significado do trabalho e o impacto da aposentadoria na qualidade de vida do idoso
Sabrina Lobo Carvalho
Considering the increasing aging of the population and the difficulties encountered by
elderly people facing the transition from work to retirement. The present work aims a
literature search on the meaning of work and the impact of retirement on the quality of
life of elderly, a segment that now represents a significant portion of the population.
Highlighting the importance of preparation programs for retirement (PPA). The search
was conducted in electronic databases Lilacs, SciELO and MEDLINE, as the search
strategy followed the Portuguese, with research restricted to the period from 1998 to
2010. Were excluded from this research, the articles published in years prior to 1998
and non-formal publications and review articles. The moment of life related to
retirement is full of changes. This transition from work to active retirement "inactive"
usually happens without any planning or reflection. The transition to retirement can
cause suffering, especially the lack of planning that can assist workers to enjoy better
this time than was previously occupied by work activities. So for this transition from
work to retirement is effected in a more quiet, is of great importance that the proposed
PPA in work organizations, to assist workers in planning projects for the future. It is
concluded that the elderly need to be engaged in activities that make you feel useful. So
they should be involved in activities and occupations that provide pleasure and
satisfaction. The goal of filling free time leads retirees getting together around extended
family ties weaving, from leisure. Guided by criteria of membership and expressed from
a daily living, retirees build a selection system in its relations of friendship.