Artigo de Periódico
Conversão do modelo digital de superfície (MDS) a modelo digital de elevação hidrologicamente condicionado (MDEHC) para a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Marinheiro, Sete Lagoas –MG
Hugo Henrique Cardoso de Salis
Adriana Monteiro da Costa
João Herbert Moreira Vianna
Marcos Antônio Timbó Elmiro
The increase of anthropic actions on water resources is increasingly demanding the correct and accurate cartographic representation of the relief of a river basin. The main objective of the presentwork is to present a proposal for the conversion of a digital surface model (MDS) to a hydrologically conditioned digital elevation model (MDEHC) for the Seine Lagoas stream water catchment area, as a subsidy for environmental and In the area. The methodology was developed in seven main stages, which are: a) Automatic image classification Geoeye; B) Ordinary kriging of the MDS points for areas without forest formation; C) Obtaining the contours; D) Obtaining points corresponding to the exposed soil areas of the MDS and obtaining the drainage network; E) Obtaining the Hydrologically Consistent Digital Elevation Model (MDEHC); F) Correction of the topographic profile in the region of the drainage network; And g) Analysis of results. The results indicated thatthe processing allowed to minimize canopy effects in the model and to increase the coherence in the representativeness of the surface of the relief. The standard deviation of 3.9 m confirms the better performance of the MDEHC over the MDS, with a value of4.952 m. It was possible to conclude that, according to the validation points obtained in the field, the product of this study presented a consistent basis for future hydrological, geomorphological and geoecological analyzes in the basin with accuracy andreliability.