Monografia (especialização)
Proposta de intervenção para reduzir o uso de antibióticos sem prescrição médica na ESF Bom Sucesso, Arapiraca-AL
Sheila Janine Zavala Diaz
The objective of this work is to elaborate an interventional plan to reduce the use of antibiotics without medical prescription by the community in the team 1 of family medicine at the health center of Bom Sucesso in Arapiraca City, Alagoas. To make the plan possible we did a scientific review at the PUBMED using the key words of: Antibiotics without medical prescription, Antibiotic Resistance,Selfmedication. Forthe development of the intervention project we will use the strategic situational method to select the main problem and their causesthat we cando something about it: the lack of basic health education in the community, the delay to have an appointment, the facility to buy antibiotics without medical prescription. We made 3 project to solve the problem: Education, Express Appointment, and Just with medical prescription. We will do educational activities at the health center and school about the correct use of antibiotics and the activation of the drug monitoring department about the pharmacies that are selling antibiotics without medical prescription. We are hoping that with this intervention plan to reduce the consume of antibiotics without medical prescription andtheir terrible consequencesto thepatients andsociety.