Monografia (especialização)
Proposta de intervenção: promover educação de saúde a dengue nas comunidades do município de Mário Campos
Lidia Rosa Podadera Valdés
Dengue has become over the years a major public health problem worldwide, and affects mainly the tropical countries. Urban centers and poor sanitation present in those countries make the Aedes Aegypti find the ideal requirements for its rapid expansion. In Brazil, the dengue mosquito is found in all its forms, especially in warmer regions such as the southeast, northeast and north. Several years ago the Ministry of Health has carried out campaigns to solve the problem of dengue, since eradication attempts by public policies aimed at their control. This study aims to report the history of dengue; major public policies adopted over the years and the proposed challenges in the medium term; and prepare a proposal of interventions to promote health education. Scientific papers prepared were used in the database as the Virtual Health Library (BVS), PUBMED, Virtual Library Nescon- UFMG, Scielo. The proposed intervention was carried out from a situational diagnosis previously conducted and followed the guidelines proposed by Matus (1989; 1993) Situational Strategic Planning - "PES" (Cardoso 2010). The municipality Mario Campos has a high spontaneous demand from patients with signs and symptoms of dengue in the consultations.