Artigo de Evento
Avaliação do nível de pressão sonora e do layout em duas serrarias de pequeno porte no Sul do Espírito Santo
Stanley Schettino
Fábio Lacerda Jucá
Vinícius Pereira dos Santos
Timóteo Paladino do Nascimento
Luciano José Minette
This study aimed to evaluate the noise exposure of sawmill workers, and to evaluate the layout, with the proposed changes that optimize the harmonious functioning between the workplace and the worker, considering the improvement of production flow, ergonomic and productivity factors. The data were obtained from two sawmills located in the mountain region of Caparaó, in the municipality of Ibitirama, in the south of the State of Espírito Santo. The assessment of occupational noise exposure was performed
according to the methodology of the Occupational Hygiene Standard (NHO) No. 01 of FUNDACENTRO, and the values obtained were confronted with the maximum exposure limits determined by Regulatory Standard No. 15 - Activities and Unhealthy Operations, of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. In order to optimize the production process of the sawmills, the work stations were designed and the machines allocated to the production of low plants of the companies’ object of this research. In addition, it was evaluated in each company the logical sequence of workers' work per evaluated machine in relation to its position in the shed. The results showed that none of the cutting machines had averages greater than 85 dB (A), maximum limit for noise exposure of 8 hours of continuous work, according to NR-15, and the work environments were considered salubres with respect to the agent noise. Proposals were made for changes in sawmill layouts aiming at better walking, less exposure to noise and offering more adequate ergonomic conditions, besides productivity gains.