Monografia (especialização)
A importância do planejamento na reanatomização de dentes conoides
Thamyres Gonçalves Rios
To increase self-esteem and their well-being in society, many people have sought aesthetic dental treatments. In the aesthetic rehabilitative planning, facial, smile, lip, periodontal and personal analyses should be considered when indicating the treatment. Among the possible treatments to reestablish a harmonious smile is the reanatomization and cosmetic recontouring of conical teeth by means of direct restoration. The purpose of this case report was to present the importance of planning in the search for a harmonious smile through composite resin restorations.
A 26-year-old female patient sought the Specialization Course in Restorative Dentistry at the Federal University of Minas Gerais with the main complaint of color change and small fractures present in her restorations in the anterior teeth. Intraoral examination revealed the presence of unsatisfactory restorations, both in color, contour, shape and surface texture. When analyzing the occlusion and disocclusion of the patient, it was observed the absence of canine guide, which was performed by the anterior lateral teeth, justifying the presence of fractures in the restorations in teeth 12 and 22. Aiming to improve the patient's smile in a more conservative way, a detailed planning that would restore shape, function and aesthetics was performed on the upper anterior teeth. After a diagnostic wax-up, an addition silicone guide matrix was made. A bisacrylic resin was inserted into the guide and positioned in the mouth, obtaining a mock-up for functional and esthetic analysis. After the patient's approval, composite resin restorations were placed in the anterior teeth with the help of a mold made on the diagnostic model.
The result achieved demonstrated the importance of well-structured planning prior to the performance of the restorations, in order to achieve a functional and aesthetic smile, in a conservative, reversible and less expensive manner.