Monografia (especialização)
Um aplicativo web para análise de dados públicos
Constantino Veríssimo dos Santos Filho
Monitoring and evaluating results in public management has been constantly increasing. To
this end, technological tools are used to identify possible improvements in management, thus
allowing preventive or even corrective actions to be applied in less time and with greater
security. Among those tools, there are interactive softwares which are capable of promoting
data analysis with greater security and using an increasing range of data, as well as data
visualization through dynamic graphics there are interactive software capable of promoting
data analysis with greater security and using an increasing range of data, as well as visualizing
data through dynamic graphics. The present work aims to propose an interactive and friendly
application that provides sufficient information for the development of studies, such as:
descriptive analysis and cluster analysis. The application was built using the Shiny package of
the statistical computing environment R, with the purpose of providing enough information to
contribute to the conceptualization of actions to be applied. The advantage of using an
application created based on this structure is that the user can explore the information
contained in the data, without the need for programming knowledge. With regard to
management, there is the possibility of comparing data over a period, as well as viewing the
grouping of entities that have similar characteristics. This allows financial and time savings
because it enables the creation of improvement strategies directed by groups of partnerships
as well as the analysis of the reasons for the incidence of anomalies.