Diferenças individuais do comportamento de bullying em contexto escolar
Marco Antônio Silva Alvarenga
This research intent aims to study the individual differences of bullying behavior in schools. The objective of this study was on understanding what are the dimensions present in bullying behavior and individual variables those relate to them. There are
several ways to observe the bullying conducts, but the literature suggests that scales of observation are more useful for this purpose, since it minimizes the effect of social desirability. Accordingly, it was developed a checklist for teachers recognize as CABE
with 20 sensitive observation items to identify bullying in schools. The study sample consisted of students from Centro Pedagógico (CP), Universidade Federal of Minas Gerais (UFMG), between ages of 11 and 18 years of elementary school, numbering 248,
and 131 male subjects (52.8%) and 117 females (47.2%), aged between 11 and 18 (Me = 13.04, SD = 1.157) and prevalence of students in B and C social stratification. The CABE has proved to be a valid instrument to measure bullying behavior as the
psychometric analyzes show evidence of the construct, with more than 50% of its variance explained. These results indicate that bullying behavior is correlated with age and sex of students, is positively correlated with neuroticism in girls and verbal
cognitive abilities in both sexes. Thus, the CABE proved to be an important tool to study the individual differences of the bullying behavior in the school environment. This research intent aims to study the individual differences of bullying behavior in schools. The objective of this study was on understanding what are the dimensions present in bullying behavior and individual variables those relate to them. There are
several ways to observe the bullying conducts, but the literature suggests that scales of observation are more useful for this purpose, since it minimizes the effect of social desirability. Accordingly, it was developed a checklist for teachers recognize as CABE
with 20 sensitive observation items to identify bullying in schools. The study sample consisted of students from Centro Pedagógico (CP), Universidade Federal of Minas Gerais (UFMG), between ages of 11 and 18 years of elementary school, numbering 248,
and 131 male subjects (52.8%) and 117 females (47.2%), aged between 11 and 18 (Me = 13.04, SD = 1.157) and prevalence of students in B and C social stratification. The CABE has proved to be a valid instrument to measure bullying behavior as the
psychometric analyzes show evidence of the construct, with more than 50% of its variance explained. These results indicate that bullying behavior is correlated with age and sex of students, is positively correlated with neuroticism in girls and verbal
cognitive abilities in both sexes. Thus, the CABE proved to be an important tool to study the individual differences of the bullying behavior in the school environment.