Monografia (especialização)
Benefícios da modularização na obtenção de software de qualidade
Ítalo Magno Pereira
The use of computerized systems becomes more common in several fields,
including financial, educational, entertainment and others. The good operation
of these systems can be considered a decisive factor for the success of
business and can be critical for the human security, for instance, in systems
used in airplanes. The software quality must not be treated as a secondary
issue. So, to assure good quality of the software products the designers must
use recognized techniques in their development. The main aim of this work is to
present the results of a study done about modular programming, their concepts
and principles. The modular programming and its principles help to reach good
quality products, with high maintainability and a good level of reusability, and,
as consequence, with lowest costs.