Estratigrafia de sequências de alta resolução e evolução paleoambiental dos carbonatos de Água Rasa da Formação Lagoa do Jacaré (Ediacaranocambriano), Grupo Bambuí, Brasil-MG
Samuel Amaral Moura Silva
The present study carried out a high-resolution stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis
of microbial carbonates from the Lagoa do Jacaré Formation (Bambuí Group). Two areas
were selected: Ubaí (North of Minas Gerais) and Cordisburgo (central Minas Gerais state).
The Bambui Group was an Ediacaran-Cambrian foreland basin in which sedimentation was a
diachronic response to Brasilia orogen (west) and Araçuaí orogen (east). The detailed
stratigraphic survey (1:20) and the study of sedimentary facies in Ubaí-MG, on the Januária
paleo-high, allow us to detail 41 meters of a tidal flat depositional system having 16 different
lithofacies, grouped into three diagnostic facies associations: 1) supratidal; 2) intertidal; 3)
subtidal. The Cordisburgo record, on the Sete Lagoas paleo-high, is 27 meters-thickand
represent an island-barrier depositional system. There are 11 lithofacies in the island-barrier
system grouped into three diagnostic lithofacies associations: 1) Back Shoal; 2) Shoal 3)
Shoal Front. The high-resolution stratigraphic approach allowed us to identify transgressive
and regressive cycles (T-R) of different orders and to infer short-term and long-term
fluctuations of the sea level during the deposition. Therefore, it enables a better understanding
of the paleoenvironmental evolution of the studied records. In Ubaí area, the premise that the
thickness of the tidal cycle is proportional to sea-level fluctuations allowed a semiquantitative analysis. In both depositional systems, tidal action was a crucial depositional
process. The metric tidal ranges in Ubaí, and the herringbone cross-stratification in pebble
grainstones, in Cordisburgo, suggest strong tidal currents, different from modern giant
enclosed sea analogs, where tidal ranges are less than a few decimeters. Thus, based on
sedimentologic and stratigraphic data, we suggest that the shallow-water carbonates from the
Lagoa do Jacaré Formation were deposited on a semi-enclosed epicontinental sea subjected to
strong tidal forces. In light of this, a partial reopening of the Bambuí Basin after a period of
restriction probably occurred during the Lagoa do Jacaré Formation deposition, as previously
suggested by isotopic data and now by field data.