Atravessamentos entre o afirmação na pós, pessoas negras e a UFMG: por uma ontologia do cruzo
2023-02-03Registro en:
Elisângela de Jesus Furtado da Silva
The question that guided this research was how knowledge is produced and disseminated in Affirmação na Pós as a black university collective. The general objective was to analyze the cross, as a possibility of access to the political dimension of production and dissemination of knowledge in Afirmação na Pós, a black university collective. The thesis I defend is that in the Affirmation in the Post, as a black university collective, the production and dissemination of knowledge indicate the existence of an Ontology of the Cross. A study was carried out using the method of inductive inspiration, with a qualitative, reflective approach and described in theoretical-empirical chapters. The first specific objective was to get to know the practices of Afirmação na Pós, which was done through in-depth interviews and writings. It was possible to perceive that black social movements are usually presented in the singular, which erroneously suggests that it is a homogeneous social process, since in fact they are widely distinct, fluid and plural practices. The second specific objective was to problematize the crossings of the lives given birth at the cross organized in the academy, which was done through the Analysis of the Crosses, as it is an analytical perspective as plural as the practices and subjects of the group in question. It was possible to perceive that the subjects, considered activists, due to the fact that they share a certain political ideology, the blackening of the university, recognize their own crossings, in the midst of contextual, local and individual quizumba, and that trickery, understood as invented creative arrangements in everyday life, for the subjects born at the cross, it points to organizational and agency possibilities. The last specific objective carried out was to analyze the construction and dissemination of knowledge present in the Affirmation in the Post as a possibility of a singular knowledge system, originated and meaning in the cross. It was observed that the subjects access capabilities, attributes associated with Exu, and that they are able to see and understand the crossroads, as well as the dilemmas, the paradoxes in themselves and in social relations. These factors give subjects a distinct possibility of agency, according to which social differences, which were previously associated with subalternization, deontologization and dehumanization, are displaced and become the basis for a scientific production politically engaged with social change. The data produced from the observation and analysis of the members' organized social life allowed identifying elements that point to a distinct gnosis, a distinct field, the form of access and how this field presents itself as real. The repertoire that makes up the frame of reference for reading and analyzing the phenomena is plural, as it considers traditional knowledge, religiosity, popular sayings, artistic and cultural expressions and scientific knowledge. Scientificity is the result of the epistemic ebó that reconciles responsibility, ethics and aesthetics with ancestral and traditional values linked to the crossroads. This study does not seek to become the ultimate expression of a phenomenon observed in a group. The intention is precisely to understand which possibilities are envisaged based on the findings presented here and, in this sense, to problematize new systems of thought, which contribute to building another science and another university, closer and more sensitive to the singularities of our country.