Monografia (especialização)
Puericultura como estratégia de enfrentamento à desnutrição infantil
Susana de Sousa Sena
Due to the growing number of individuals with malnutrition and its importance as a public health problem observed during four years of nursing practice in the Family Health Program in the municipality of Setubinha MG 's interest in addressing child care emerged as a factor tackling child malnutrition . The childcare team as family health strategy is shown theoretically effective monitoring of individuals aiming to promote health and recovery from illnesses. Based on this premise this paper aims at drawing up an action plan to facilitate the implementation of childcare in the county health teams. After performing a study on childhood malnutrition and practice of childcare could be noted that the effectiveness of childcare not only involves the reduction of this disease , but monitoring of the individual as a whole taking into account the members , family , economic aspects.