Monografia (especialização)
Método de dispensação de medicamentos no centro de saúde de Belo Horizonte
Thais Eulália dos Reis
This paper presents the alternative method of dispensing drugs in a Belo Horizonte health center as humanization strategy and quality of management and information of the Unified Health System - SUS. It is a descriptive research that used the literature search method, documentary and field. Presents the results of the interviewees with a sample of 14 nursing technicians using the above method, after the literature review on which the authors point out on humanization and quality management and reporting as well as the dispensing activity. The results of the interviews and observations enable complete quality management strategy and information, humanization in the institution meeting the guidelines of SUS Labor Development Policy, a health care quality with technology domain and production
knowledge to a more just, balanced and healthy society. The creativity of the author to divide the Kit donated into four parts that indicate the time of day that the patient should take the medicine; the use of the drawings to identify these times as well as the influence of internal and external tasks of pharmacy of FHP team that determine a participatory and humane administration.