Violência contra a mulher: atuação dos profissionais de saúde acerca da notificação compulsória nos territórios do campo, da floresta e das águas
Rejane Antonia Costa dos Santos
The violence against women, phenomenon of high prevalence, is recognized by the
national and international organizers as violation of Human Rights. The violence that
hits women of rural territories, presents itself in a wicked and unseen way. During the
last decades, it was noted and improvement in the public polices and law about the
violence against women. The obligatory part notification of the violence established
through the law 10.778 of 2003 is powerful instrument of epidemiologic surveillance.
This study is aligned to the Project with focus in the Integral Attention to the Woman
Health in situation of the violence, the project “For them ” from the Nucleus of Health
Promotion and FM/UFMG to the Health Ministery. It is about a cross-sectional study of
quantitative approach that had as its goal to analyze the performance of Health
Professionals about the compulsory notification of violence in the field, forest and water
territories. The data collection was through the application of a semi-structural
questionnaire. It was analyzed 438 questionnaires. The results show a prevalence of
female sex. The nursing, the professional category with the biggest percentile of
participation. The majority of the participants is between 21 and 40 years. 79,6% of the
participants have graduation or post graduation. For the confirmed case, the Social
Service and the Psychology were the categories that most notified. The tertiary
attention showed the biggest percentile of notification in relation to the other levels.
The highest degree of instruction appeared as a variable that can be associated to the
confirmed case of the professional in notifying the cases of violence against the
women. It was noted a favorable association between the offer of capacitation and the
act of notify as well as the guaranty of necessary resources to the actions of combat
to violence. Several difficulties were appointed in relation to the fill of an obligatory
notification form, being the non-existence of notification form in the Health Unity, lack
of capacitation for the staff were the main obstacles showed. The study demonstrated
a not understanding from the professional to the legal and practical aspect of the
notification of the violence against woman. The results suggest a sub-notification of
the violence cases committed against woman. The gap in the academic training of the
health professionals, the lack of capacity and as not assure of the necessary resources
to the actions of combat against violence, can be associated with the difficulty in
identifying, detecting the violence cases as well as the realization of the compulsory
notification of violence. So, we have to discuss the necessity of continuous
achievement of the capability for the professional of health attention, the importance
of sensitize them and the network with the intersectional pacts. In summary, to become
visible the problem of violence against woman.