Da invenção à destituição da carreira do professor federal: a vulnerabilidade do trabalho docente na universidade mercantil
Francilene Macedo Rocha
This thesis analyzes the changes made in policies for higher education in Brazil, focusing on the career and remuneration of the federal higher education professor, in the period from 1990 to 2020 and the actions of the teaching movement represented by the National Union of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions (ANDES-SN) on these policies. The study sought to be based on the social theory of Karl Marx (1978, 1987, 2004, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013); from Marx and Engels (1980, 2007, 2008); and Lenin (2017). It also had explanatory theories from contemporary authors, such as Bernardo (1991, 2000, 2005); Antunes (2012, 2015, 2018;), among others. The research included a bibliographic study and documental research associated with the immanent reading and analysis approach. It is understood that the subject studied is inserted in the context of the structural crisis of capitalism and that the changes made in the policies for higher education and for the career and remuneration of the federal higher teaching profession are part of the broad process of reforms carried out by successive governments, from the 1990s onwards, to meet the requirements of capitalist restructuring worldwide and recover its rates of profit through education as a commodity. The study showed, among other things, a troubled process of creating the university in Brazil from the 1930s onwards and the federal career for university professors, approved only in 1987. It also showed that the federal career created was the object of a long struggle for its effectiveness, permeated by consecutive measures of the federal government that, contrary to its effectiveness, were directed to its destructuring. The research also showed that successive Brazilian governments since 1990, from Collor to Bolsonaro, implemented, in a gradual and concatenated way, measures that disrupted the career and implied a greater or lesser loss of labor, salary and social security rights for professors. However, the broad university reform was implemented during the government of Lula and Dilma, in which the process of career disruption continued, being deepened and improved. The following governments, from 2016 to 2020, advance this process, which tends to get worse with the current austerity measures underway in the country, which move towards destroying the public and free university and, in its place, creating Social Organizations, in which work ties tend to become vulnerable.