Controle de conteúdo na internet e identidade pessoal: consequências para a moderação de conteúdo pelas plataformas digitais para o self
Cecília Lopes Guimarães Pereira
The research presented intends to discuss the main consequences of content moderation by platforms, in particular by social medias, known for its role as a place for cultural formation, political discussion and strengthening of communities relations in today’s society, for the construction of people’s personal identity. The research was based on Marya Schechtman’s theory about the Narrative Self-Constitution View, which understands the subject as an inherently diachronic entity arising from an autobiographical narrative. Considering the theory of the Narrative Self-Constitution View, Luciano Floridi and Massimo Durante discuss the concept of an informational identity, which considers the new technologies. Furthermore, the thesis aims to discuss the relevance of platforms to informational identity in today’s technological society and its power in the constitution of the self. Therefore, it will address the contours of content moderation by platforms, its patterns and the potential consequences to the user’s narratives and power to self-identification because of this reality – to reach this goal the research will consider recent cases of moderation. As a result of those analyses, possible propositions which aims to perfect the current model of governance of platforms will be discussed.