Monografia (especialização)
Condicionantes da utilização de estrutura de aço na concepção arquitetônica
Gabriela Cristina Fonseca Ramos
The study aims to identify the main conditions that interfere in the development of architectural
projects that use steel as a constructive system, as well as the main concepts of the system within the
projects. The industrialization of materials makes the constructions obtain gains in time, general cost,
quality, rationality, but in the face of so many advantages, the system still loses place for reinforced
concrete, since the specifiers professionals (in most cases, architects) do not have enough mastery for
projects that use steel. Thus, throughout the development of the work, the main specificities that
metallic systems require in the project, through a bibliographic research and with the obtaining of field
data on the possible difficulties experienced by the architects. In order to do so, we resorted to a
research with a qualitative approach with an exploratory objective, where it was possible to conclude
the need for professionals to master the main concepts of metallic systems, such as their properties,
types of steel, project details, regulation of the design that must follow a modulation, since the pieces
follow a standardization, among other steel constraints. In addition to these, it is confirmed that
architects have difficulties with the domain of the system, having greater technical confidence in the
concepts of reinforced concrete, and difficulties are also pointed out regarding the cost of the material
and the need for qualified labor.