Monografia (especialização)
Análise da distribuição das vigas mistas de aço e concreto em um pavimento típico
Maxwell Sousa Costa
The economic and technical-scientific development in civil construction has led to the emergence of various construction and structural systems over time, among them the system formed by composite elements of steel-concrete, which takes advantage of the specific characteristics of materials: resistance to steel tensile and concrete compressive strength. In addition, composite structures have some advantages, in which the reduction in the total weight of the structure can be highlighted. One of the factors that contributes to this reduction is the arrangement of composite secondary beams on the floors. The objective of this work is to evaluate if the method for the most economical distribution of secondary composite beams in a typical building floor indicated in the book Dimensionamento de Elementos Estruturais de Aço e Mistos de Aço e Concreto is adequate. The evaluation is carried out through the design of slabs and composite beams with the variation of the dimensions of the floor, the occupancy loads and the positions of the secondary beams. The results have demonstrated that the total weight of steel, in most cases, is lower when the secondary beams are in the direction of the shortest floor’s span and the method proposed in the named book does not guarantee a more economical structure.