Monografia (especialização)
Localização e orientação cartográfica em unidades de conservação do Estado de Minas Gerais
Yan Heyder de Oliveira
This intervention project is relevant to the study of the location and spatial orientation of visitors to Protected Areas (UC) in the State of Minas Gerais, specifically in the Peter Lund State Natural Monument located in the city of Cordisburgo/MG. For the project's progress, studies were carried out on cartography, location and spatial orientation, as well as a deepening of the laws and norms that govern Conservation Units in Brazil, specifically the Management Plan for protected areas and their proper use. It was also necessary to know in detail the history of the place, the context in which it is located, its importance and relationship with the community and those who visit. After the study, this document presents activities to be developed in the UC's in order to guide the visitor about their positioning in space, solving the difficulty that many have in face of the dynamics of location and terrestrial orientation.