Lugares-tempos no Lago Amanã : paisagens arqueológicas e habitabilidades ribeirinhas
Jaqueline Gomes Santos
This research aimed to understand how landscapes are built and transformed by riverside communities in the Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve, a Conservation Unit located near the confluence of the Japurá and Solimões rivers, in the State of Amazonas. I tried to dialogue with a pulsating approach in Amazonian archeology that, by producing narratives about the millenary history of indigenous occupation of the region, demonstrates the the wide range of anthropic transformations on the contemporary biodiversity of the biome. Information on aspects of everyday and affective life that are mobilized in hunting and farming practices will allow access to a specific way of living, in which the exclusivity of human marks is decentralized to talk about the past and the transformations of places. The landscapes seen by those who inhabit Amanã indicate the existence of encantados and other beings, revealing broader relationships between people and places and their materialities. This characteristic is based on the ontological dimension of the relationships between many more beings that the traditional archaeological record allows us to visualize. Throughout the text, I seek to stress criteria and parameters used in the context of archaeological practice among traditional communities, in order to draw attention to alignments and divergences between these different systems of knowledge.