Cinco canções afro-brasileiras de Ernani Braga: um estudo para performance e edição
Celina Garcia Delmonaco Tarragò Grovermann
This thesis presents the development and results of an analytical and musicological research,
focused on the performance, editing and dissemination of vocal works by the composer Ernani
Braga, with a special focus on a set of five songs with an Afro-Brazilian theme – Ó Kinimbá ,
Ogundê Xangodê, Oxum Aiacó, Ogum Kalaxó and Ogundê Uarêré -, collected, transcribed and
titled by Ernani Braga as Toadas de Xangô (Anais do I Congresso Afro Brasileiro, Recife, 1934),
themes that were later harmonized for solo voice and piano, configuring a set of songs that in this
work are called Cinco Canções Afro-Brasileiras. The musicological finding of the collected
themes and harmonized songs and their meeting for this research took place between2009 and
2021, initially through contact with the composer's daughter, Vera Braga Brito, Rio de
Janeiro/2009 and subsequently through research in various collections. Aiming to spread thework
for singing and piano by Ernani Braga, with emphasis on songs related to the African presence
in Brazil, in this research we associate analyzes of musicological, biographical, sociological and
stylistic aspects, aiming at the recognition of Ernani Braga's creative thinkingin face of the lived
circumstances. , with a special interest in the harmonizations for voice and piano that, in the set
of his vocal work, represent a preponderant portion, being performed, according to hypothesis,
as true chamber songs, that is, concert pieces for trained voices. The comparison, classification
and crossing of the sources found - scores, programs, bibliographic information, oral and written
narratives and sound sources - and the analytical study of the context and stylistic of the works,
associated with the practice of performance, supported the unpublished editions of the five works
in focus, supported by style analysis and musical philology.
Key-words: Ernani Braga; afrobrazilian artsongs; performance of brazilian artsongs; artsongs