Monografia (especialização)
As transformações da administração pública brasileira
Renata Martins Pelli Canhestro
The starting point in the provision of public services in Brazil dates back to the arrival and installation of the Portuguese royal family, in 1808, in Rio de Janeiro. At the time, there was a need to develop administrative functions so that the then colony that aimed to expand could carry out its activities in accordance with royal diplomacy. More than two hundred years after the beginning of the provision of public services in Brazil, the consequent evolution of Public Administration, as well as Administrative Law, can be noted. The main objective of this research was to verify how the transformation of the Brazilian public administration took place, from the redemocratization that took place with the promulgation of the Constitution of the Republic from 1988 to the present day. Therefore, it was necessary to study the previous Brazilian constitutions so that it could be understood how was the treatment given to the public administration and the changes proposed by the administrative reforms in force and in progress. The period that preceded the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution was highlighted, in order to verify how the change in the concept, the development of functions and the way in which the public administration acted. The methodology used was the analysis of doctrinal content that deals with public administration and administrative reforms, as well as the relevant legislation on the matter, such as the previous Brazilian Constitutions, the current one and the proposals for constitutional amendments, thus seeking to verify the evolution of the theme presented and, finally, the result of the study. As a hypothesis, the possibility of verifying how and what were the main transformations that occurred in public administration from the redemocratization of the 90s, of the 20th century, was presented. In other words, ways were sought to demonstrate, considering the historical context, what the search for rationalizing the use of increasingly scarce resources was like; the demand for a new level of service quality; and society's desire for participation, transparency and social control over public administration actions. In addition, it was aimed, through the consideration of the new model of Public Administration, which intends to be an increasingly concerted and efficient administration, to show how such aspects influenced the profile of contemporary public administration.