Artigo de Evento
Estratégia e teoria evolucionária – elementos para um debate teórico
Renata Barcelos
Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa
This paper aims to discuss how evolutionary theory can contribute to business strategy
by providing a theoretical basis beyond the views of RBV – resource-based view – and
industrial economics, which are recognized in the field of Management as competing
paradigms. In addition, it simultaneously encompass the ideas of both these theoretical
currents to the environmental selection mechanism, and enlights how evolutionary theory
offers elements that go beyond the resources and the sectoral vision, incorporating both
the role of institutions and the decision maker based on limited rationality. A more fluid
strategic thinking model is proposed through the substitution of competitiveness for
adaptation, while the complexity of the relationship between strategy and performance
eliminates the idea of linearity between them and places dynamic capacities as central
conditions that are neither necessary nor sufficient for the perenniality of companies,
depending on environmental dynamics. Some significant changes are proposed for
strategy studies, such as the substitution of competitive advantages for adaptive
advantages, the definition of strategic windows and a greater valuation of elements
external to the firm as fundamental elements to performance.