Artigo de Periódico
Políticas de formação e a profissionalização docente no Brasil: o PIBID e a residência pedagógica
Juliana de Fátima Souza
Cláudia Starling Bosco
Dalila Andrade Oliveira
The aim of this article is to discuss the Brazilian’s teachers training policies, focusing on programs and actions at the initial graduation. The first section shows some of the graduation main rules, policies and programs recently implemented and compare them with statistics data, about current on duty teachers and the registration number on Teacher’s graduation courses. The second section, comes from notices and reports analysis available on official websites, discuss two programs: “Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), since 2007, and “Programa de Residência Pedagógica”, since 2017. Both programs allow the graduation students to immerse on the elementary public schools, in activities to learn how to teach. There is a national graduation policy fragility, reset and weakened on the last two government changes, and also the PIBID’s crumbling. We can also observe that teacher education policies are very dissociated from policies related to work conditions and wage, which compromises teacher appreciation and professionalization