Monografia (especialização)
Fatores associados à transmissão intradomiciliar do vírus da Hepatite B
Amanda Ramos Rocha
Introduction and aim: Chronic hepatitis B is the leading cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. The transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is mainly vertical (high prevalence areas) and horizontal/intrafamilial (low and high prevalence areas) transmission. The goal of this study was to identify reported factors related to intrafamilial transmission of HBV. Methods: A bibliographical survey including 10 years (2003 - 2013), was performed at the Brazilian Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Pubmed, using the descriptors “hepatitis B virus and risk factors” and “hepatitis B virus and household and transmission”. Results: 43 papers were found at BVS and 19 at Pubmed. 37/62 papers were excluded because of inadequacy of titles. 25 abstracts were carefully read and 7/25 full papers were included in the analysis. The following reported factors were associated with household transmission of HBV: horizontal transmission (100%), mother HBsAg positive (71,4%), vertical transmission (57,1%), sexual transmission (57,1%), being younger (42,8%), being older (42,8%), living in countryside areas (28,5%), low socioeconomic status (28,5%), sibling HBsAg positive (14,3%), five or more residents in the same house (14,3%). Discussion: The results identify several household factors possibly associated with intrafamilial transmission of HBV from an index case. This diversity of possibilities of household transmission alerts to the need for serological screening and preventive proceedings in families with index cases. In particular, special attention must be dedicated to the pregnant women, newborns of HBsAg positive mothers, children and sexual contacts.