Monografia (especialização)
Zoneamento do potencial de atratividade turística utilizando geoprocessamento
Gilzilene de Jesus Caetano
Tourism is a complex social phenomenon that appropriates the geographic space, and keep working on your relationships interdependencies between the elements that constitute it. The tourism transforms the places that inserts embracing the social, environmental, economic, historical, cultural, and policy issues as well as other subjective aspects that underlie all relationships involved in its multiple interfaces. The landscapes are inextricably linked to the tourism phenomenon, and are changed frequently by tourist activities. The constituent elements of the landscape are the raw material for tourism, that is, the tourist attractions are defined or formed both by natural landscapes, as the altered landscapes (built). Thus, the use of tools that help the organization, development and understanding of tourism activity in the geographic space, it becomes indispensable. This work aims to generate zoning potential tourist attractiveness through multicriteria analysis procedures for geoprocessing. To identify the areas of zoning potential tourist attractiveness, five variables were defined: "distance of the attractions at the district headquarters," "diversity of the landscape", "concentration of tourist attractions", "hipsometria" and "accessibility". They were analyzed on the basis of weights and grades. The weights were defined by the matrix of pairwise comparison, using the method analytical hierarchical process - AHP. From the weighted overlap by weight of the variables was obtained zoning map synthesis of potential tourist attractiveness, defining three areas, categorized into high, medium and low, thus demonstrating the potential of tourist attractiveness of each area.