Artigo de Periódico
Do direito de viver ao de existir: uma reflexão acerca de obra de Charles Gardou
Naim Rodrigues de Araújo
We will talk here about “The Inclusive society: let's talk about it! There is no tiny life”; the work is authored by professor at the University of Lumière-Lyon II, Charles Gardou. The author dedicates his anthropological work to human diversity and weaknesses. In the aforementioned work, he invites us to reflect on what an inclusive society actually is; recalls the historical segregation suffered by people with disabilities and questions whether we really experience an equitable society in terms of rights to Human diversity. For Gardou (2018) it takes more than guaranteeing the right to exist; it is therefore necessary that social resources be available/accessible to all human beings – it is not enough to be present, it is necessary to share the available resources – because, as Gardou (2018, p.27) emphasizes, the set of social goods “does not are nobody's prerogative".