Artigo de Periódico
Avaliação ergonômica das operações florestais de roçada e desgalhamento semimecanizado
Denise Ransolin Soranso
Luciano José Minette
Stanley Schettino
Davi Mineti
Amaury Paulo de Souza
The objective was to evaluate the ergonomic risks which the workers were exposed during the development of the forestry activities of mowing and semi-mechanized delimbing. It was evaluated, for each one of the activities developed, exposure to noise and vibration, physical workload, and biomechanics. The results showed that the forest activities evaluated presented different ergonomic risks to the workers. The noise and vibration levels of the brushcutters and motorized machines evaluated values above the tolerance limit recommended by the Brazilian standard. In assessing the physical workload, in both evaluated activities, the cardiovascular load was above the recommended value. In biomechanical analysis, it was verified that the dorsum, hip, ankle, and elbow are joints that provided high risk of injuries.