Erosão constitucional no Brasil e tecnologias disruptivas: uma análise a partir do processo eleitoral de 2018
Ana Luiza Pinto Coelho Marques
This research aims to investigate whether Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in the context in which they were developed and inserted, have contributed to the erosion of the structures of the 1988 Constitution, and to identify the ways in which this has occurred since the Brazilian election of 2018. For this, initially, we discuss the context of the emergence of the business model that came to prevail in the digital age, as well as its characteristics and tools. Next, it deals with the phenomenon of the decline of democracy and presents the concept of constitutional erosion, as defined by Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer, as a reference for understanding the decline of constitutional democracy in Brazil from the mid-2010s onwards. Finally, the intersections between what was exposed in the first and second chapters are drawn, based on the particularities of the 2018 electoral process, in order to highlight the role played by disruptive technologies in the process of constitutional erosion in Brazil.