Metodologias ativas para inovação no aprendizado: um estudo de caso STEAM na educação brasileira para motivação à engenharia.
Karla Vanessa Fernandes Azambuja
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze how the innovation process in education happens using active methodologies and the STEAM approach. The choice of this theme is justified by the difficulty of the education system to innovate and by the absence of academic reports regarding the use of this methodologies and approaches. The teaching of STEAM techniques is approved by the literature in order to develop complexity skills in today's world, such as protagonist and leadership. In addition, and no longer despite that, the study is also justified by the need to keep motivating students to apply to Engineering in Brazil, aiming the development
of solutions that improve the living conditions of people and society. This is an exploratory research of a qualitative nature, based on primary sources, through interviews with twenty-one high school teachers and a personal experience report, also with primary sources of three hundred and fifty high school students, who have been in contact with STEAM approach. The study has promoted that, despite having knowledge of the concepts of active methodologies, the teachers don’t know how they should develop this process and what practices are available in order to do it. Therefore, the study brought to light the importance of empower these teachers and to exposure them to reports of experiences and resources that can guide them, especially when it comes into the definitions of the New Brazilian’s High School Rules. Finally, the experience report of using the STEAM approach within a private school in Belo Horizonte, shows that the use of this approach of teaching has introduce the students into new technologies which were applied in their
daily basis, developed their logic thinking, and motivated 15% of the student’s group to think about a possible future within the engineering area.