Artigo de Periódico
Correlação entre dados de perfilagem geofísica e potencial de bombeamento de poços em litotipos da Formação Cauê no sudoeste do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, mg
Júlia Cotta Maciel Dantas
Daniele Costa de Mesquita
Rodrigo Sergio de Paula
Kênia Janete Guerra
This article deals with a lithological-hydrological integration based on geophysical logging in deep wells. Its objective is to com-pare and define the most favorable lithotypes to groundwater prospection in the studied area. The methodology comprised well logging analysis together with the lithology and specific flow rate of each well. In the Cauê aquifer, the soft lithologies are more propense to have water than compact lithotypes. Furthermore, hematite is richer in water than itabirite, although the water quantity varies in different kinds of itabirite