Transformação digital: impactos para organizações brasileiras
Maria das Graças Murici
This research is a doctoral thesis on digital transformation and its impacts on Brazilian organizations. In the context of innovations arising from the fourth industrial revolution in progress (SCHWAB, 2016), systemic impacts are generated on organizations; professions; competences and professional skills; and for humanity, in general. Innovation and organizational changes are approached as a background for the digital transformation in organizations. Theoretical definitions of digital transformation were presented through a systematic review (VIAL, 2019). Digital transformation in organizations was conceptualized as value-added changes that occur in organizations, resulting from the use of digital technologies. Given the need to develop academic research on the topic (SCHWAB, 2016; VIAL, 2019), the general objective of this research was to assess and analyze the perceptions of managers about changes that have occurred using digital technologies for organizations in Brazil. The specific objectives were to identify the impacts of digital technologies on which organizational dimensions; and identify the opportunities and challenges (barriers) arising from the use of digital transformation. Databases of scientific papers in the relevant areas were consulted for the elaboration of the theoretical framework and construction of the conceptual model of this thesis. As for the methodological procedures, this is research with mixed methods (CRESWELL, 2003) with the quantitative method and quantitative and qualitative analysis. Initially, empirical data were collected for a descriptive study, based on a survey of quantitative data to identify the respondent’s managers perception about the digital transformation. The quantitative research was a survey, using a standard questionnaire as a data collection instrument, which after pre-test, was sent over the Internet to a sample of managers from 106 organizations of different segments, from the three sectors economic: private companies, public institutions, and nonprofit organizations. A survey software called Survey Monkey was used to provide web access to the managers to respond the questionnaire. The database originated from the online questionnaire answered in the Survey Monkey software was formed by 106 individuals who answered fifty items. The database was used for statistical analysis, whose methods are presented. Subsequently, three case studies were conducted in three of the organizations of the 106 individuals mentioned, cases that were described, analyzed, with complementary approaches added. The conclusions of this research were presented, as well as indications for further studies. Finally, references and appendices presented, containing the instruments used for data collect and other research complements.