Artigo de Periódico
O transtorno de personalidade borderline na Daseinsanalyse de Alice Holzhey-Kunz
Paulo Eduardo Rodrigues Alves Evangelista
The first generation of Daseinsanalists is well known. Daseinsanalysis is inaugurated by Ludwig Binswanger, who takes Heidegger ́s description of existence in Being and Time to interpret psychopathologies as world-projects, and later developed by Medard Boss with the philosopher ́s help in the Zollikon Seminars. This article aims to present reformulations proposed by swiss daseinsanalist Alice Holzhey-Kunz (1943 –), Boss ́ ex-student. She interprets psychopathologies as modes of “suffering one ́s own being”, i.e., they are modes of being in which the existential condition erupts and reveals itself. In psychopathological experiences, ontological understanding of one ́s own being (pre-ontological inclusion), usually screened out by occupation, makes daily existence difficult and demanding ‘ontic maneuvers’ –behaviors and mechanisms aiming to neutralize ontological aspects, but bound to fail from the start. To better illustrate it, I present and discuss Holzhey-Kunz ́s interpretation of Borderline Personality Disorder articulated with a clinical case.