Artigo de Periódico
Pós-verdade e fontes de informação: um estudo sobre fake news
Lorena Tavares de Paula
Thiago dos Reis Soares da Silva
Yuri Augusto Blanco
The present study shows how the word post-truth, chosen as the word of the year by the Oxford dictionary in 2016, relates to the concepts of fake news and news information sources in digital media. Therefore, the research was embased by the analisys from two fake news, widely disseminated in social media and apps. The analisys had as a research base three methodological dimensions for examination of its presentation structures and fake news dissemination: descritive dimension, analytic dimension and structural dimension. This dimensions guide to the answer of the indagation: Which elements led to the appropriation of fake news? The results of this study provides a composition of a conceptual framework that aids on the compreension of a audited information source in digital media. Withal, provided reflections about the informacional architeture of a fake news.