Artigo de Periódico
O direito à cidade “no truque”: as resistências das trabalhadoras sexuais travestis e transexuais no bairro Santa Branca em Belo Horizonte
Karina Dias Gea
Letícia Cardoso Barreto
Lisandra Espindula Moreira
This Papers presents reflections about the resistance’s strategies for city rights of transgenders and travestis sexual workers on Santa Branca’s neighborhood, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, related to the social space context of urban interventions in this prostitution territory and the power struggle between several subjects in the area from 2012 to 2018. From feminist’s perspectives about city rights, we made research inspired by ethnographic methods, putting the methodologies and techniques to give voice to the heterogeneity of political participations. This subjects transform the urban scenery, showing partiality in the capital’s urban perspectivy, also settling social relations and political resistance.