Monografia (especialização)
Avaliação da acuidade visual de crianças do ensino fundamental do município de Coronel Fabriciano
Angélica Cristina de Souza
Children visual impairment is a public health issue responsible for learning difficulties and
high rates of truancy. By an occasion of a situation analysis in the area covered and due to the
implementation of the School Health Program in Coronel Fabriciano, it became clear that one
of the main problems accompanied by UBS was the large number of children and adolescents
with visual disorders, especially those who did not wear corrective lenses. Therefore, this
study aims to develop an action plan in order to assess the visual acuity, identify children with
visual impairment from Maria da Penha Lima School in the city of Coronel Fabriciano, and
forward them to the Ophthalmologist from Olhar Brasil Project. The development of the
project was guided by a literature research, using databases from the Biblioteca Virtual da
Saúde (BVS) - Virtual Health Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and
official websites of the Ministry of Health. The main expected results include identification
and referral of children with visual impairment to proper treatment and expand the connection
between the Family Health Strategy, school, children and their families.