Influência das variáveis antropométricas e cinemáticas no desempenho do salto com queda lateral em goleiros de futebol de campo
Elano Silva de Magalhães Berto
The objective of the present study was to verify the contribution of the variables,
height, wingspan, performance in the vertical jump (SV), reaction time (TR) and
speed of displacement of a marker point corresponding to the Center of Mass (CM),
in the performance of the jump defense with lateral takedown on goalkeepers. The
sample consisted of twenty-two male goalkeepers, with at least three years of
practice in the specific position, under-20 category, from five elite clubs in Brazilian
football. At the first moment, height, wingspan, length of lower limbs and performance
in vertical jumps were measured. Next, the goalkeepers performed an action
simulating a defense with a lateral drop jump. The athletes were instructed to position
themselves in the center of the goal (goal) and, in response to a visual stimulus, start
the defense movement. Kinematic analysis was used to obtain movement time,
reaction time and displacement speed of the marked point approaching the CM. The
level of bivariate relationship between the total time of execution of the task and the
independent variables height, wingspan, vertical jump performance, reaction time
and displacement speed was determined by Pearson's linear correlation coefficient
(r). As the bivariate correlation was significant, the next step was to perform multiple
linear regression in order to quantify the level of influence of the independent
variables on the dependent variable. The goodness of fit of the model was evaluated
by the adjusted R2 value, which is equal to the percentage of variation in the
dependent variable that is explained by the variance of the independent variables.
The results showed that the multiple linear regression model composed of the
independent variables reaction time, SV height, in addition to the anthropometric
variables, height, wingspan and length of the lower limbs (IMC) and the jump
technique given by the vertical component of the velocity in take-off phase, were able
to predict the movement time until contact with the ball (s), with an explained
variance of 83.5%.