Artigo de Periódico
O novo Código Florestal brasileiro e a reformulação da visão de sustentabilidade
2018Registro en:
Luiz Fernando Schettino
Stanley Schettino
Marianne Rios Martins
Luciano José Minette
This study investigated whether the changes in the Forest Code are contributing, in practice, for better efficacy of the preservation of forests and if brought an overhaul of the sustainability vision, in face of the new established mechanisms. In order to reach the proposed objectives, an exploratory methodology was used, based on bibliographical research, doctrinal concepts and jurisprudence, as well as the application of questionnaires targeting the farmers and technicians of the state agencies involved with the forest issue and the rural environment. The results showed the target public's understanding that the new legislation is in a position to permit forest preservation and sustainability, as 73.3% of the farmers and 68.9% of the technicians of forest management bodies they said so. In
addition, consulting the existing environmental legislation, doctrinal concepts and jurisprudence allowed to conclude that there could be a greater legal and social effectiveness of these norms in the forest protection, facilitating the relations between the forest/environmental organs and their target public, with gains for both the environment and society. This finding was due to the new forestry legislation allowing forestry production and its important generation of income, jobs and taxes, concomitantly with environmental preservation and conservation policies, important sustainability instruments.