Monografia (especialização)
Os efeitos da técnica de deslizamento apofisário natural sustentado (SNAGS) na melhora da dor e funcionalidade em pacientes com dor lombar crônica: uma revisão de literatura
Jussara Aparecida Morais Fonseca
Introduction: Low back pain affects a large part of the world's population, and it is estimated that 23% of affected individuals develop chronic pain and disability. Mulligan's SNAGS is one of the manual therapy techniques reported to address low
back pain. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of Mulligan's SNAGS technique in improving pain and functionality in patients with chronic low back pain. Methods: A search was performed on Medline, PEdro and Lilacs databases using the terms low back pain chronic and sustained natural apophyseal glide in April 2022. Results: Seven randomized controlled trials that met the inclusion criteria of this study were selected. Conclusion: The results of the analyzed articles suggest that Mulligan's SNAGS
technique in the treatment of chronic low back pain presents itself as a beneficial treatment, capable of provoking positive effects in many variables, but it is not superior to other Manual Therapy techniques. The effects were more relevant when associated with other forms of treatment such as electrotherapy and exercise programs.