Artigo de Periódico
Recuperação de informação sobre currículos com geolocalização: um protótipo usando busca vetorial
Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho
Amarildo Martins de Magalhães
The Federal Minas Gerais Institute (IFMG) received from the federal government R$ 790,575.82 in 2013
and R$ 1,109,576.55 in 2014 to support researchers and research incentives. All this investment requires
these programs being audited both the regulatory standpoint, as management. Tools that improve the
retrieval of information on researchers and research become important. Considering the lack of such tools
in IFMG, the question of this research discusses the improvement of professional and researchers
information retrieval processes. Through applied research, we developed a prototype using vector space
IR in Lattes curricula IFMG and a ranking was created using geolocation, given that the IFMG employees are located in 17 cities. Finally, the prototype is implemented and evaluated in a qualitative
perspective by IFMG research management team. The result shows the importance of geolocation in
creating a knowledge organization map.